Celebrate Recovery Canada

A Christ-centred 12 Step Recovery Program

Are you ready to embark on a journey of real and lasting change
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What is Celebrate Recovery?

Celebrate Recovery (CR) is a biblically-based, recovery program that addresses our Hurts, Hang-ups, and Habits using a 12-step approach based on the Beatitudes from the book of Matthew. CR leaders, understand your struggles, as they have experienced freedom from addictive and dysfunctional patterns in their own lives.  They have been trained to guide people through the 12 Steps/8 Principles, and to provide a safe environment for accountability and building authentic relationships.

Do you have a hurt, hang-up or habit?
Ask yourself these questions:

  • Do you believe, or want to believe in God, yet can’t seem to? 
  • Do you want to trust God with your whole life, yet live in fear? 
  • Is serenity only an ideal; seldom experienced? 
  • Does life feel overwhelming? 
  • Are your relationships clouded by conflict and confusion? 
  • Do you have resentments, anger, fear or loneliness? 
  • Do you have persistent feelings of low self-worth, shame, guilt? 
  • Do you have recurring pain about relationships and life in general? 
  • Have you tried to change your behaviours without success? 
  • Have you tried to change the behaviours of people around you?
  • Do those you try to “help” not cooperate? 
  • Do you feel angry or hurt, asking, ”Why do they resent me”? 
  • Do your prayers for God’s help feel unanswered? 
  • Have you kept your secret pain secret? 
  • Are you realizing you don’t have the needed power? 
  • Are you lacking spiritual resources to overcome the pain? 
  • Do you have a difficulty and want to change? 

Personal Testimonials & Senior Pastor Support

Senior Pastor Support

Take a minute to see what Ken Taylor, Senior Pastor at Creekside Church, has to say about Celebrate Recovery

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